Power Supply (NetApp) service

The Power Supply (NetApp) service monitors the status of a power supply in a NetApp device.

NetApp devices respond to SNMP version 1 and 2c queries. However, on large devices the Physical Disk and Volume counters can exceed the limit of the 32-bit counters used by SNMP version 1. This results in negative values, and a misconfigured service in N-able N-central. For NetApp devices, use SNMP version 2c whenever possible.

Manufacturer information

Service TypeSNMP
Discovery OIDIndex 0
Supported Systems/ApplicationNetApp device with SNMP enabled

N-able N-central information

Known LimitationsN/A
Max. Instances Per Device1
Supported Device ClassStorage
Notification ProfileN/A
Monitored ByWindows probe


MisconfiguredCheck to see if you have the correct credential on the device.

Metrics 1



OID Used for this MetricSupported ValuesCalculations/
Threshold Mapping
Default Thresholds
Failed Power SuppliesN/AN/A0: No (Normal)
1: Yes (Failed)

Metrics 2



OID Used for this MetricSupported ValuesCalculations/
Threshold Mapping
Default Thresholds