F-Secure AV Scan Results service

The F-Secure AV Scan Results service monitors the most recent scan result, including infected sectors and files, failed actions, and others. For more information, see www.f-secure.com.

You need to enable WMI Provider in the General settings of the PSB Portal to use this service. For more information see the F-Secure documentation.

Manufacturer information

Service TypeAMP
Supported ApplicationPSB Workstation Security 10.5.

N-able N-central information

Known LimitationsSupports PSB Workstation Security 10.5 only.
Max. Instances Per Device1
Supported Device ClassWorkstation - Windows
Laptop - Windows
Notification ProfileF-Secure AV
Monitored ByLocal agent


MisconfigureThe last known scan result was either incomplete or unavailable.
Execute another full computer scan from F-Secure.


WMI ClassAvScanResult


WMI PropertySupported ValuesCalculations/
Threshold Mapping
Default Thresholds
Infected sectorsN/AN/A0 Normal > 0 failed
Infected Files N/AN/A0 Normal > 0 failed
Renamed InfectedN/AN/AOff
Files DeletedN/AN/AOff
Infected Files QuarantinedN/AN/AOff
Failed ActionsN/AN/A0 Normal >0 failed
Disinfected FilesN/AN/AOff
Scan StartN/AN/AOff
Scan End Scan TypeFull or specific type or specific location.N/AOff