Exchange Database Latency 2013 service

The Exchange Database Latency 2013 service monitors latencies of a Microsoft Exchange 2013 database that can be caused by a number of issues including disk latencies due to a bad disk, domain controller latencies, or high user workload.

This service queries the Win32_PerfFormattedData_ESE_MSExchangeDatabaseInstances WMI class for the following values:

  • iodatabasewritesaveragelatency
  • iodatabasereadsaveragelatency
  • loggenerationcheckpointdepth
Service TypeWMI
Instances on a Device1
Supported Systems/ApplicationsMicrosoft Exchange Server 2013
Device ClassServer - Windows
Monitored ByWindows agent
Scan Interval15 minutes
Database InstanceThe name of the Exchange 2013 database being monitored.

Status detail

Status DetailDescription
Log Generation Checkpoint DepthIndicates that the Exchange server is receiving messages faster than they it can written to the transport queue database due to reduced flow of intra-site, inter-site, or external mail messages. This may be due to message volume exceeding server capacity, applications other than Microsoft Exchange Server are accessing or placing file locks on the transaction log files, or hard disks are not performing at a level to meet the disk I/O requirements of the Exchange environment.
IO Database Reads Average LatencyIndicates the average time, in milliseconds (ms), to read from the database file.
IO Database Writes Average LatencyIndicates the average time, in milliseconds (ms), to write to the database file.