RAID Status (EqualLogic) service

The RAID Status (EqualLogic) service monitors the state of the RAID controller for a PS6100 Equallogic SAN using v6.0.2 firmware.

Service TypeSNMP
Instances on a Device100
Supported Systems/ApplicationsModel PS6100 Dell EqualLogic SAN running v6.0.2 firmware.
Device ClassServer - Windows, Server - Generic
Monitored ByWindows agent, Windows probe
Scan Interval5 minutes
RAID ArrayEnter the name of the RAID array to monitor. For a list of the available RAID arrays, query the SAN with the . SNMP OID.


Metric NameOID/CalculationDescription
RAID Status1.

The status of the RAID using a composite view of the underlying sub-systems with the status mapped to:

  1. OK - The RAID is operating normally.
  2. Degraded - The RAID is in a degraded state, possibly because no spares are available.
  3. Verifying - Running a verification pass and displaying a percentage complete value.
  4. Reconstructing - A drive is being reconstructed and displaying a percentage complete value.
  5. Failed - The RAID experienced a failure, possibly due to a failed drive with no spare being available.
  6. Catastrophic Loss - This may not be visible to the user since the RAID may not be able to start up. This means that administrator intervention is required to correct the problem.
  7. Expanding
  8. Mirroring - Indicates that a bad drive is being mirrored onto a spare drive.
RAID Capacity (%) (UsedStorage) (TotalStorage)

This value is expressed as a percentage and is calculated by dividing the UsedStorage value by the TotalStorage value and then multiplying the result by 100.
Are There Lost RAID Blocks To Be Cleared?

Specifies whether there are lost blocks in the RAID array which the user may want to clear. Mapped to:

  1. True
  2. False
Number Of Spares1. number of disks allocated as spares in an array.
Number Of Controllers1. number of controller modules in the array.
Number Of Disks1. total number of disks that have been installed in the array.
Read/Write Cache Size1. size in MB of the Read/Write cache within the array.
Read/Write Cache Mode1.

The mode that the Read/Write cache is currently in within the array. The default is Write-back however, the array will be configured to Write-thru whenever there is a battery failure. Mapped to:

  • 0 - Unknown
  • 1 - Write-thru
  • 2 - Write-back