Setting a Single Instance Custom Monitoring Service

In N-able N-central, you are able to export an xml file for every custom monitoring service you have. In this file, you can manually change a service’s parameters to make the service a single instance or multiple instances. For example, where you need the service to map once (CPU, Memory, etc) or multiple (Disk, Exchange, etc).

Manually set a single instance service

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, click Administration > Service Management > Custom Services.

  2. Next to the name of the custom service, under the Action column, click Export.

    Export Custom Monitoring Services

  3. Open the downloaded XML file.

  4. Locate the “serviceparameters“ section.

  5. Update the “serviceinstancetype” value from “Multiple” to “Single”.

  6. Update the “maxinstances” value to “1”.

  7. Save the changes to the .xml file.

  8. In N-central's Custom Services window, click IMPORT.

    Import Custom Monitoring Services

  9. Browse and select the .xml file then click IMPORT CUSTOM SERVICE.

    Browse and Import Custom Monitoring Services

Parameter Definitions

The parameters in the xml can be edited to create more granular changes. The following list details the parameters in the xml file and what they determine.

aggregatedata Allow results to show up in reports.True/False
aggregatetasks Keep as is.True/False
maxinstances Amount of services allowed per device.Integer
maxpollrate Highest value for scan time.Integer
minpollrate Lowest value for scan time.Integer
schedulertype Keep as is.String
serviceinstancetype Sets if the service may be used in cases of multiple asset data (e.g. Disk).Single/Multiple
timetostaleValue for when the data goes to stale.Integer
usesstockserviceitemKeep as is.True/False