CCM Phone service

The CCM Phone service monitors the status and IP address of the specified phone.

This service cannot use Self Healing.

Service TypeSNMP
Instances on a Device100
Supported Systems/ApplicationsCisco CallManager Versions 4.x to 6.x
Device ClassServer - Windows
Monitored ByWindows probe
Scan Interval5 minutes
PhoneYou need to specify the name of the phone to monitor. For a list of the phones associated with the CCM server, query the server with the SNMP OID.


Metric NameOID/CalculationDescription

The Status metric is mapped as:

  • Normal: 2
  • Warning: 5
  • Failed: 1,3,4
Status Description1.

The description of the statuses:

  • 1: Unknown
  • 2: Registered
  • 3: Unknown
  • 4: Rejected
  • 5: Partially Registered
IP Address1.