Create a report for removed devices

Use Report Manager to create a report on the devices that have been removed or deleted from a customer or site.

  1. In N-able N-central, at the SO level, click ReportsReport Manager.
  2. Click Managed IT Services, and locate and click Executive Summary Report.
  3. Complete the time range.
  4. Select the Service Organization.
  5. Click Filter By Customer and click the Customer site.
  6. Select any other desired options.
  7. Click the Include Devices Under Management check box.
  8. Click the Advance Settings check box.
  9. Click the Include Summary check box.
  10. Clear the remaining boxes beneath Include Summary.
  11. Click Generate Report.

The Work section of the report includes the Added and Removed Devices section where you can see the devices removed from N-able N-central.