Upgrade paths and notes

Upgrade versions

To upgrade to N-able N-central 2024.3, your N-able N-central server must be running the following version:

  • N-able N-central 2022.7.1.44

  • N-able N-central 2023.4.0.32

  • N-able N-central 2023.5.0.12

  • N-able N-central 2023.6.0.9

  • N-able N-central 2023.7.0.10+

  • N-able N-central 2023.8.0.11+

  • N-able N-central 2023.9.0.25

  • N-able N-central 2023.9.0.26

Note the following when upgrading N-able N-central.

Tasks may expire if the agent on an associated device is being upgraded when the task is scheduled to be completed. Agent upgrades are normally short in duration but may be delayed if a re-start of the device is pending.