Windows software probe hardware requirements

We recommend the following hardware for Windows software probes:

  • CPU Core Count: 8

  • CPU Clock Speed: 2.80 GHz

  • RAM Size: 12 GB

The following operating systems and CPUs are commonly used with software probes.


The following hardware information

  • is for guidance purposes only.

  • is based on current hardware specifications used from a large pool of our partners.

  • applies to probe-based tasks and services.

  • does not take into account the device's usage out with N-central.

  • is for supporting 1800 Monitoring Services, with a MaxThreads value of 100.

Top 5 Most Common Operating Systems Top 5 Most Common CPUs
Windows Server 2016 Standard Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4215R CPU @ 3.20GHz
Windows Server 2019 Standard Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4110 CPU @ 2.10GHz
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5218 CPU @ 2.30GHz
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6246 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Windows Server 2022 Standard Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8370C CPU @ 2.80GHz