Incident Summary report

The Incident Summary report provides a log of all incidents generated by all of the services. These incidents only appear if they are defined in a notification profile, and the profile is associated to the appropriate devices. An incident occurs when a service changes to a Warning or Failed state.

This report includes:

  • a table listing the total number of incidents, the average time to the first and second escalations, the average time to acknowledge the first, second, and third notifications, and the mean time to resolve the incident,
  • a table listing the details of each incident, including the time at which the incident occurred and was then closed, the device and service for which the incident was generated, the service state, the time of the first and second escalations, the time at which the first, second, and third notifications were acknowledged, and the current status, and
  • a table listing the details of the correlated notifications triggered by the incidents, including the time at which the correlated notification was triggered and then closed, the name of the child notifications, the time of the first and second escalations, the time at which the first, second, and third notifications were acknowledged, and the current status.

This procedure can only be done at the Customer or Site level.

  1. Click Reports > Events > Incident Summary.
  2. Select the time Period from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Start Date and Time.
  4. Click View Report.

The report appears on screen. You can email or save the report to your hard disk.