New: December 15, 2020

Notification example: create a notification profile

This example describes how to create a notification for a device, so that when there is an AV Defender event, N-able N-central sends an email to a technician to alert them to a problem. As it is only a warning, the notification profile will also send a notification when the issue is resolved.

Setting up this profile involves:

  • Set the notification method for the technician to receive the alert.
  • Set the notification type and frequency.
  • Configure the details on what conditions and services trigger the notification.

For more information on configuring notifications, see Create a notification.

Set the notification method for a technician

A notification cannot be added until a notification method has been set up for an account.

  1. Click AdministrationUser Management > Users.
  2. Click the Login Name of the user that will receive the notifications.
  3. Click User DetailsNotification Method.
  4. Click Add Email and ensure the email address is correct. Leave the Schedule Type as Entire Day, to ensure the alert is received as soon as it is sent. You can set a time interval if needed if alerts are not important and do not inundate the user's mailbox.
  5. Click Save.

Set the notification type and frequency

Create a notification to alert your technicians or users of an issue occurring on the network.

  1. Click Configuration > Monitoring > Notifications and click Add Notifications.
  2. Enter a name for the profile, for example, AV Alerts.
  3. Select the notification type Single Device, Single Service Notifications.
  4. This is the recommended notification type. A notification is generated for each service on each device, regardless of any notifications currently active. Use this option unless you need to suppress multiple tickets on a device.

  5. Set a delay for the Primary Notification between when the status changes and when N-able N-central sends the alert to 10 minutes.
  6. The delay ensures that the status change is not a temporary fluctuation a component's operation, such as CPU usage, and only want to be notified if the change continues for longer than a specified period.

  7. Select the recipient of the notification and add them to the Selected Recipients. This is the same user you set up in the previous steps.
  8. You can send subsequent notifications. For this example, we will just send the primary email.
  9. Click Save and Continue.

Configure the triggers for the notification

The triggers are those events that cause N-able N-central to send an email to the user you defined above. For this trigger, we set the AV Defender service to Warning. When this level is reached on the server, N-able N-central sends a message. We will also configure the trigger to send a second message when the issue is resolved.

  1. Once you click Save and Continue from the previous steps, the Triggers Detailstab appears.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the trigger name of AV Defender Warning.
  4. Click the Notify on return to Normal check box. This will enable N-able N-central to send a second email when the issue is resolved.
  5. In the State drop-down menu, select Warning.
  6. Leave the Trigger the Notification on set to Service changes state.
  7. In the Services list, select AV Defender Security Event and move it to the Selected Items list.
  8. In the Rules list, select the rule for the notification profile and move it to the Selected Items list.
  9. Using rules enables you to dynamically target devices associated with the rule. If a new device is added that falls under the selected rule, N-able N-central automatically applies the notification to the device.

  10. Click OK, then Cancel.

You are returned to the Notifications page with the new notification appearing in the list. Notifications are sent when the trigger on the service has been activated.

Edit the profile by clicking on the notification name. You can edit a notification profile.