Notifications and Windows event log monitoring

The N-able N-central default notification profiles include Windows Event Log notification in the 0 Minute Delay profile. If you've modified this notification profile, you may not have notification on Windows Event Log set up. If so, you can configure this in your notification scheme in order to receive notifications for your Windows Event Log services.

  1. At the Service Organization level, click Configuration > Monitoring > Notifications.
  2. Click Add Notification.
  3. In the Name field, enter Windows Event Log.
  4. Select Single Device, Single Service Notifications.
  5. For Delay select 0 Minutes. Windows Event Log notifications cannot have a delay.
  6. Select the appropriate Recipients.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and Continue.
  8. Click the Trigger Details tab, click Add.
  9. In the Trigger Name field, enter Windows Event Log.
  10. Ensure Notify on Return to Normal is unchecked.
  11. For State, select Failed.
  12. In the Services area, move Windows Event Log to the Selected Items box.
  13. In the Rules area, move the appropriate N-able N-central Rule(s) that is applicable to the device(s) for which you have set up Windows Event Log Monitoring.
  14. Click Save.