Set business and after hours notifications

Users who are recipients of notifications receive alerts 24/7. You can customize the hours when a user will receive alerts. You can also create user accounts with the same email address, but different notification schedules. This means you can create a "business hours" account and an "after hours" account, and assign these at the customer level to provide regular and 24 hour support.

  1. At the SO level, click Administration > User Management > Users.
  2. Click Create User, and enter the user information to create a user account for "business hours" notifications.
  3. Click User DetailsNotification Method.
  4. Click Add, and select the notification method.
  5. Complete notification method information.
  6. Enter a Schedule Name, such as "Default Email Notification" and set the Schedule Type to Daily Interval.
  7. Enter the Start Time and End Time for this schedule to cover the business hours between 8.00 and 18.00.
  8. Click on the days in this schedule, and then click Save.
    Selecting none of the days is the same as selecting all of the days.

    If you don't select any days of the week, this will configure the notification to be sent every day of the week.

Repeat the steps above to create an "after hours," user account with a different user name, and same email account. Set the Start Time and End Time to 18:01 and 7:59.

When creating a new user, you need to assign it a role and access group to use the account. For more information see What is role-based permissions.

Assign the "business hours" account as a recipient for all notifications, and add the "after hours" to notifications for customers with 24 hour support.