Take Control log files

Use the Take Control log files to troubleshoot issue with the connection. Logs are available for the viewer, the agent and agent installer for Windows and Mac OS.


ViewerC:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\MSP Anywhere for N-Central\Viewer\Logs

C:\ProgramData\GetSupportService_N-Central\Logs - Processes with privileges

C:\ProgramData\GetSupportService_Common_N-Central\Logs – Processes running as user

Agent InstallerServerAppletServiceInstaller-N-Central.install.log

Located in the %TEMP% folder of the user account used for the installation, most likely, SYSTEM.


ViewerUsers/USER_NAME/Library/Logs/MSP Anywhere/Viewer N-central
Agent Daemon: /Library/Logs/MSP Anywhere Agent N-central

Processes running in user mode: /Users/USER_NAME/Library/Logs/MSP Anywhere Agent N-central
Agent Installer/Library/Logs/MSP Anywhere Installer