About the Microsoft Intune Compliance Service

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The MS Intune Compliance Service monitors the state of the device as it relates to MS Intune. The service pulls the information directly from MS Intune with the ecosystem agent and then record its compliance state then submit it to N-central. At this time the service is only monitoring for compliance and reporting a reason for non-compliance.

The MS Intune Compliance Service takes into account all Compliance Profiles assigned to a device, not just profiles created through N-central. This service is added to any device that is found by the Windows Agent to be managed by Intune.

Service Details

The ecosystem agent will reach out to N-central and will then retrieve all the monitoring data it needs from Microsoft Intune.

Description Definition
Compliance Status Enum

Provides our numerical value for the Microsoft Intune state.

Compliance Status Will show if the device is compliant or not based on its compliance status in Microsoft Intune.
Data Processing Error Error code provided when processing data.
Data Processing Error Description Description of the error.
Hours Since Data refreshed Time since the last data was pulled from Microsoft Intune.
Monitoring Data Present Checks the %programdata%\MSPEcosystem\MonitoringData\ECO_INTUNE_MGT\Intune_Compliance\data.json file and if data is present it means the Ecosystem agent was able to gather the compliance data. To summarize, if data is present, the service is okay. If not, the warning remains until next scan when it finds data.
Non-Compliance Reason If compliance is failed this will provide the Compliance Profile and Compliance threshold that failed.