What's New in N-able N-central 2023.9 HF1

This update includes a critical security fix. In alignment with our commitment to transparency and trust, N-able has published the details of this security fix in CVE-2024-28200.

Fixed Issues in N-able N-central 2023.9 HF1

Category Description Item
Core 2023.9 HF1 includes a critical UI security fix that N-able is recommending all partners address by updating. All supported versions of N-central prior to 2023.9 HF1 are impacted by this. The issue is server side, agents are not impacted. NCCF-168702
Core Resolved an issue where services applied by newly added service templates resulted in invalid service parameters. NCCF-130499

What's New in N-able N-central 2024.3


This release contains our very first set of REST APIs. These new APIs enable partner systems to programmatically interface with N-central to execute common N-central tasks. For this first release, Partners and Vendor integrators alike will be able to develop services to utilize the new ‘Scheduled Tasks’ API to run scripts against target devices and pass variables to those scripts. This first iteration will run tasks immediately, with more features to come in a future release. This release also includes a handful of REST APIs with GET methods for device and customer related information.

N-able Admin Console moved!

N-able Admin Console is now GA with 2023.9. If you have not been previewing this important security enhancement already, when you upgrade to 2023.9, you'll be able to turn off port 10000 to outside access. The items that were previously in the port 10000 interface can now be found at the System level of N-central, under the System Settings menu, and Administration > Defaults. This also means that on-premise servers can enable MFA on the productadmin account! For more information on this feature, please refer to The N-able N-central Administrator Console overview.

Automation Manager

Automation Manager 2.93 is released alongside N-central 2023.9. This version of Automation Manager has added a new set of Meraki objects that use the v1 API. The previous objects are still available for compatibility, but if you have created custom AMPs around the first iteration, you should update those AMPs to use the new objects. We anticipate having the Services for Meraki from the Automation Cookbook updated in the near future. For a detailed list of fixes, please refer to the fixed issues list later in this document.

New Customer Name Limitations

As of N-central 2023.9, new Service Organization, Customer and Site levels may no longer start with the following characters: =,-,+, or @. Additionally, the names may not contain the following characters: % & $ # < > ; " / \

If you already have these characters in existing level names, they will not be modified by the upgrade. However, to edit those level names in the future, they will need to adhere to the same rules as newly created ones. If you have rules existing based on these levels, and the names do not meet the new criteria, you may see a system error attempting to edit those customers. If so, rename the related rules first, then rename the customer level.

Cove-related Enhancements

With 2023.9, N-central continues to enhance capabilities around Cove Data Protection! In addition to the previously released new left hand menu item, and the deployment AMPs, 2023.9 adds a new icon in the Features column of the All Devices view to show you Windows devices where Cove is installed on the device. There's also a new Cove App Monitoring service that will be automatically added to the Windows device.

Ecosystem Agent Changes

Ecosystem agent will no longer get installed on devices and will only be installed on devices where Intune and/or DNSF integrations have been enabled on that device. If all integrations have been disabled on a device, the Ecosystem agent will automatically be uninstalled.

Key Bug Fixes

NCCF-56348 - Correct agent version not reflecting in N-central UI.

NCCF-101768 - Custom IDP providers can now be configured with OKTA.

KUIP-5591 - Fixed an issue where the Title Header does not update to ‘Integration Management’ when that is the selected view for the user and displays the previous screen title.

KUIP-5397 - Fixed an issue where clicking the Activate button from the Integration Management page did not update the activated state, without logging in and out and clicking Activate again.

KUIP-4449 - Fixed an issue where EDR and DNSF were not getting uninstalled automatically upon trial/contract expiration.

KUIP-3155 - Fixed some noisy logs around ecosystem-agent-updated-configurations that may affect performance for larger partners.