Delete Filters

As requirements change, filters that are no longer needed can begin to pile up and clutter the filters section. To simplify the available filtering options, you can delete any unnecessary filters.

Filters created by accounts of the same level or higher cannot be edited or deleted. For example, while a Default Administrator can modify filters made by a Customer Admin, they cannot alter filters established at the Product or Default Administrator levels. Additionally, the pre-installed default filters cannot be edited or deleted. Only filters created by lower-level accounts are eligible for modification or removal.

How to delete filters

  1. Expand Configuration in the left navigation pane.

  2. Click Filters.

  3. Locate the filter(s) you wish to remove; only filters that can be deleted will be selectable.

  4. Check the filter's checkbox.

  5. Review the warning message

  6. Click OK to delete the filter.