Stop and start system processes


Stop system processes to help when troubleshooting issues on a device. If a process or application is causing an issue on a device, you can stop it to asses issues, and restart as needed.

This feature is only available for managed Windows devices with N-able N-central agents installed.

If any open programs are associated with the selected processes that are being stopped, they will close and any unsaved data will be lost. If you end a system process, this may result in an unstable system.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Views > All Devices and click the Network Devices tab.
  2. Click the Name of a device.
  3. Click Tools > Processes.
  4. Click the check box beside each of the names of the processes to stop.
  5. Click End.

The process or application stops running. To start the application again, click Start New, and type the name of the application or process that you want to run.