Install macOS agent with script

The Mac agent monitors local services and reports any issues. You can install the agent using the script as outlined in the steps below.

  1. From N-central download the "DMG Installation Script" and the "macOS Agent (dmg)".
  2. Make sure to extract the script into the same folder location as the dmg.
  3. Use one of the methods below to install:

    Please enter the required information without including the angle brackets< >, as they are only used to highlight the replacement strings.
    For example, replace sudo -k <activation key> with the key sudo -k ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP-QRST

    • With an activation key, retrieved from the central server:

      sudo -k <activation key>

    • Prior to N-centrall 2020.1, with a Customer Name and Customer ID (Customer name may need to be quoted if it contains spaces or shell meta-characters):

      sudo sh -s <server endpoint ip/fqdn without the https://> -c <customer name> -i <customer id>

    • On 2020.1 or later with a Customer Name and Customer ID (Customer name may need to be quoted if it contains spaces or shell meta-characters):

      sudo sh -s <server endpoint ip/fqdn without the https://> -c <customer name> -i <customer id> -t <registration token>

    • For N-central 2022.6 and later with a Customer Name and Customer ID (Customer name may need to be quoted if it contains spaces or shell meta-characters):

      sudo sh -s <server endpoint ip/fqdn without the https://> -c <customer name> -i <customer id> -t <registration token> -I <installation package>

  4. Additional Flags:
    1. -p Specify the protocol for the agent to use.
    2. -a Specify the port for the agent to use.
    3. -x Specify an http proxy for the agent to use.
  5. Once the script has run navigate to All Devices and click the Network Devices tab.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Discovered Assets.
  8. Select your device and import it.

Your device should now be added in N-central.

You can confirm this from the Customer level, by navigating to All Devices, and click the Network Devices tab.