Asset Scans overview

N-Central has three types of asset scans that are used to update data associated to that device in the UI.

  • Simple Scan: A scan that runs on agent startup.
  • Scheduled (Daily) Asset Scan: A recurring scan that is configured on a device. By default, this is set to run at the same time the agent was installed on the device (give or take 15 minutes), but can be manually adjusted per device.

    Note: This scan is only performed when Patch Management is disabled (IsPatchManagementEnabled=false) or there is no patch metadata files in the "\metadata" folder.

  • Discovery Asset Scan: A scan performed against an IP address as part of a discovery job, and normally used for agent-less devices. If there is a device associated to that IP address, then it should receive an update of asset data.

Types of Scans

Each of these scans differs in the data they gather and update. The Windows Agent startup scan (Simple Scan) does not pull in as much data as the Scheduled Asset Scan.

Serial Numbers

During a full scan, N-able N-central pulls two different types of serial numbers from a device:

  • Win32_SystemEnclosure: The chassis serial number found in N-central: Device Details > AssetOverview > Serial Number.
  • Win32_OperatingSystem: The serial number found in N-centralDevice DetailsAssetOperating SystemSerial Number.