Office 365 New User Onboarding

Quick Description This Automation Policy creates a new Microsoft Office 365 User, assigns a license, adds the user to a Security Group, and adds the user to a Distribution Group.
Applies To N-central 2020.1+
Last Revised February 07, 2023


This Automation Policy creates a new Microsoft Office 365 User, assigns a license, adds the user to a Security Group, and adds the user to a Distribution Group.

Input parameters

Office 365 Authentication UserName: <string value>

Office 365 Authentication Password: <password value>

New User Email Address: <string value>

New User First Name: <string value>

New User Last Name: <string value>

User Password: <password value>

Add New User to Security Group: <string value>

Add New User to Distribution Group: <string value>

Assign new User SKU ID: <string value>

New User Password: <string value>

Automation policy

  1. In the right-hand navigation menu, click Action > Start Automation Manager.

  2. In the Automation Manager screen, click New Policy.

  3. Enter name and description.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Under Categories, search for "Office 365 User Create".

  6. Drag and drop Office 365 User Create to the middle of INPUT and OUTPUT.


The policy creates a new user using the criteria specified.


There is no troubleshooting available.