Windows Installer

Use this Object in a policy to perform a software installation from an MSI package.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description Example
Msi Path String Yes The full path of the MSI installer package. C:\folder1\MyInstaller.msi
Log File String No The full path of the MSI log file to save. C:\logfolder1\MyLog.log
Arguments String No

Command line arguments for the msiexec command. Do not use the following since they are controlled by the Action Type, Mode, and Restart parameters:

  • /silent
  • /passive
  • /uninstall
  • /norestart
  • /forcerestart
Action Type String Yes

Select value Install to install or Uninstall to uninstall the application.

Uninstall adds /uninstall to the command line.

Mode String Yes

Select either Silent Mode or Unattended Mode for quiet or unattended install.

This will add /silent or /passive to the command-line argument.

Restart String Yes

Select either Force Restart or No Restart to control restart after installation.

This will add either /forcerestart or /norestart to the command-line argument.


Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.
Result String String Details of any execution errors with this Object.