Export Site

Exports a SharePoint site.

Automation Manager Policies that use SharePoint objects may require using PowerShell Remoting. As a result of this, if the remote computer is in a Workgroup but not connected to a Domain, the Policy will only function properly if it is run by the Administrator account of the remote computer. Attempting to run such a Policy using an account with administrative privileges but that is not the Administrator account will cause the Policy to fail.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Site URL String Yes The address of the SharePoint site that will be exported.
Item URL String No Specifies the URL of the Web application, GUID, or object to be exported. The type must be a valid URL; for example, http://server_name.
Path String Yes The full network path where the exported files will be stored.
Name String Yes The name of the SharePoint Administrator account to be used to export the site
Password String Yes The security password of the SharePoint Administrator account to be used to export the site.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Site URL String Yes http://site
Item URL String No http://server_name
Path String Yes C:\Exports\site export.cmp
Name String Yes WIN-2008R2x64\administrator
Password String Yes <link to start parameter>