Send Commands and Receive Response

If you try to run two policies containing SSH objects at the same time, then unexpected errors can occur. For example, the first policy can send commands in the SSH session created by the second policy. These errors occur because a class which handles the SSH connection is static.

Send specified command to the device and wait for the defined excepted output. Use Open Session object before using this object.

If this Object is used in an Automation Manager Policy that attempts to connect to a target device that is configured to use only SSH-2, the Policy may fail as the connection can be refused due to an invalid server version string error. This error will not occur for target devices that are configured to use only SSH-1 or to use either SSH-1 or SSH-2.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
SSH Session Id String Yes Unique identifier of SSH session. Must be linked to SSH Session Id parameter returned by Open Session object.

Command to Run



The command to be sent to the device. Commands must be sent one at a time.

Timeout (sec) Number Yes Specify how long Automation Manager should wait for the command to complete. The default value is 60 seconds.

Expected Output (to stop receiving)



Capture output until specified line is received (example devicename#).

Output Parameters

Name Type Description



The Output produced from sending the specified command



Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Result String String Object execution error details.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
SSH Session Id String Yes  

Command to Run



Show Run

Config T

Timeout (sec) Number Yes 45

Expected Output (to stop receiving)


