Get Computer Restore Points

This object returns all restore points on the local computer.

This will only work on Windows 7 - Windows 10.


Administrator (agent: LocalSystem)

This object is not supported on either Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008.

Input Parameters


Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Restore Points Collection This is the list of restore points being returned. This will be populated if there are one or more points found. It contains following information:

Creation DateTimeDatetimeDate/Time that the restore point was created04/13/2020
DescriptionStringThis is the name/description of the restore point at the time it was createdTest Restore Point
Restore Point Type IDInteger

This is the ID of the type of restore point. The list of possible values and their description is below:

  • 0 – Application Install
  • 1 – Application Uninstall
  • 13 – Cancelled Operation
  • 10 – Device Driver Install
  • 12 – Modify Settings
Restore Point Type DescriptionStringThis is the description mapping from the restore point Type ID field. Note that if no mapping is found for any reason, ‘’Other” will be returned.Modify Settings
Sequence NumberStringThis is the sequence number (ID) of the restore point.55
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.
Result String String Object execution error details.


Example Input Parameters
