Get Mailbox Recipient Permissions

Query for permissions of each configured recipient of the mailbox.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
User Name String Yes User name used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Password Password Yes Password used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Mailbox Email Address String Yes The email address of the mailbox to get recipients for.
User Email Address String Yes The email address of the user to get recipient permissions of the mailbox for.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Permissions Array Array containing effective permissions.
Permissions Entry Count Number The number of entries within the Permissions Array.
RunSpace ID String The Runspace ID of the Permissions entry.
Access Rights String Access rights of the recipient on the mailbox.
Deny Boolean True or False if the specified user is not a recipient on the mailbox.
Inheritance Type String The recipient permissions of the mailbox have been applied through either the Global group membership, Local group membership, Local permissions, Local privileges or Universal group membership.
Is Inherited Boolean True or False if the recipient permissions have been inherited or not.
User String Name of user that has recipient on mailbox.
Identity String Identity of the user that is a recipient of the mailbox.
Is Valid Boolean Displays if the mailbox folder is valid or contains errors.
Result String String Object Execution Error Details.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
User Name String Yes
Password Password Yes <link to start parameter>
Users Checkbox Yes
  • Optionally, you can query for ‘all’ recipients on the specified mailbox folder.
  • Optionally, you can query for ‘one’ recipient on the specified mailbox folder.
Mailbox Email Address String Yes
User Email Address String Yes