Add Permissions to Other Mailbox

Add specified user permission to other mailbox.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
User Name String Yes User name used to authenticate the Office 365 web service.
Password Password Yes Password used to authenticate the Office 365 web service.
Permission Type String Yes Type of permission to be granted to user to other mailbox.
Email of the Mailbox String Yes Email of mailbox that user will be assigned permission to.
Email of User who needs to access the mailbox String Yes Email of user to grant permission to mailbox.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result String String Object Execution Error Details
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
User Name String Yes
Password Password Yes <link to start parameter>
Permission Type String Yes Optionally grant user Full Access, Send As, External Account, Delete Item, Read Permission, Change Permission, Change Owner access to other mailbox
Email of the Mailbox String Yes
Email of User who needs to access the mailbox String Yes