Deleted Users |
Array |
An array containing all deleted users |
Deleted User Count |
Number |
The number of rows returned in the deleted users array. |
Result String |
String |
Object execution error details. |
Extension Data |
String |
Extension Data of the deleted user account |
Alternate Email Address |
String |
Alternate email address assigned to the deleted user account. |
Block Credential |
Boolean |
Block credential of the deleted user account |
City |
String |
The city field assigned to the deleted user account |
Country |
String |
The country field assigned to the deleted user account |
Department |
String |
The department field assigned to the deleted user account |
Display Name |
String |
Display name of the deleted user account |
Errors |
String |
Errors assigned to the deleted user account |
Fax |
String |
Fax field assigned to the deleted user account |
First Name |
String |
First Name of the deleted user account |
Immutable ID |
String |
The immutable ID of the deleted user account |
Is Blackberry User |
Boolean |
Deleted user account has the Blackberry user assigned or not |
Is Licensed |
Boolean |
Deleted user account is assigned a license or not |
Last Directory Sync Time |
Date |
Date of last directory sync for deleted user account |
Last Name |
String |
Last name of the deleted user account |
License Reconciliation Needed |
Boolean |
Deleted user account requires a license reconciliation or not |
Licenses |
String |
License assigned to deleted user account |
Live ID |
String |
Live ID of deleted user account |
Mobile Phone |
String |
Mobile phone field assigned to deleted user account |
Object ID |
String |
Object ID of deleted user account |
Office |
String |
Office field assigned to deleted user account |
Overall Provisioning Status |
String |
The overall provisioning status of the deleted user account |
Password Never Expires |
Boolean |
If deleted user account has Password Never Expires attribute assigned or not |
Phone Number |
String |
Phone number field of deleted user account |
Portal Settings |
String |
Portal settings of deleted user account |
Postal Code |
String |
Postal code field of deleted user account |
Preferred Language |
String |
The preferred language field assigned to the deleted user account |
Proxy Address |
String |
Proxy address of deleted user account |
Soft Deletion Time Stamp |
Date |
Date and Time within the past 30 days the user account was deleted |
State |
String |
State of deleted user account |
Street Address |
String |
Street address field of deleted user account |
String Password Required |
Boolean |
Deleted account has String Password Required field assigned or not |
Title |
String |
Title field assigned to the deleted user account |
Usage Location |
String |
Usage location of deleted user account |
User Principal Name |
String |
Principal name of deleted user account |
Validation Status |
String |
Validation status of deleted user |
Result |
Number |
Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure. |