Get User Logon Statistics

Get the logon statistics for a specified user. User must have logged on to Office 365 within the past 24hrs, otherwise object will not return any values.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
User Name String Yes User name used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Password Password Yes Password used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
User Email Address String Yes The user's email address used to retrieve logon statistics.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Run Space ID String The Run Space ID for the specified user.
Adapter Speed String The Adapter Speed of the device the user is logging on from.
Client IP Address String The Client IP of the device the user is logging on from.
Client Mode String The client mode of the device the user is logging on from.
Client Name String The client name of the device the user is logging on from.
Client Version String The Client Version of the device the user is logging on from.
Code Page String ID of the device type used to login.
Current Open Attachments Number Number of open attachments.
Current Open Folders Number Number of open folders.
Current Open Messages Number Number of open messages.
Folder Operation Count Number Number of folders in operation.
Full Mailbox Directory Name String The full mailbox directory name.
Full User Directory Name String The full users directory name.
Host Address Number The host address.
Last Access Time Date Last time the user logged on.
Latency String Latency between client and host.
Locale ID String ID of the locale of the user.
Logon Time Date The time the user logged on.
MAC Address String MAC address of the device the user is logging on from.
Messaging Operations Count Number Number of messaging operations.
Other Operation Count Number Number of other operations.
Progress Operation Count Number Number of progress operations.
RPC Calls Succeeded Number Number of succeeded RPC calls.
Stream Operation Count Number Number of stream operations.
Table Operation Count Number Number of Table Operations.
Total Operating Count Number Total number of operations.
Transfer Operation Count Number Number of Transfer Operations.
User Name String Unique name applied to the user.
Windows 2000 Account String Windows 2000 Account name of the user.
Application ID String The application ID of the user.
Session ID String The session ID of the user.
Server Name String The name of the server the user is logging onto.
Database Name String The database the user is logging onto.
Identity String Unique identifier of the logging on user.
Mapi Identity String The Mapi unique identity of the logging on user.
Originating Server String Server where the creation was done.
Is Valid String Displays if the user is valid or contains errors.
Result String String In the event the object fails to execute successfully due to invalid/incorrect input, this output will detail the error.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
User Name String Yes
Password Password Yes <link to start parameter>
User Email Address String Yes