Get Mailbox Statistics

Query for statistics of a specified mailbox.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
User Name String Yes User name used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Password Password Yes Password used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Mailbox Email Address String Yes Query if mailbox assigned to specified email address is deleted.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Runspace ID String Global ID used by Microsoft Online (for troubleshooting).
Associated Item Count Number Number of items assigned for the item (folder or group or location or mailbox).
Deleted Item Count Number Number of deleted items within a mailbox.
Disconnect Date Date Date and time mailbox was disconnected.
Disconnect Reason String Reason for mailbox disconnection.
Display Name String Display name of mailbox.
Item Count Number Number of items within mailbox.
Last Logged On User Account String User name that last logged on to mailbox.
Last Logoff Time Date Date and time that last user logoff from mailbox.
Last Logon Time Date Date and time that last user logged onto mailbox.
Legacy DN String Legacy distinguished name of mailbox.
Mailbox GUID String GUID of mailbox.
Object Class String Class name.
Storage Limit Status String Status of the limit in storage for the mailbox.
Total Deleted Item Size Number The size of mailbox deleted folder.
Total Item Size Number The size of all items within all mailbox folders.
Mailbox Table Identifier String ID field (example 29f0-607e33).
Database String ID of exchange database hosting mailbox.
Server Name String Name of server hosting mailbox.
Database Name String Name of database hosting the mailbox.
Move History String History of the location of the mailbox.
Is Quarantined Boolean Whether the mailbox is quarantined or not.
Is archive Mailbox Boolean Whether the mailbox is an archive or not.
Is Move Destination Boolean Whether the mailbox is allowed as a move destination.
Identity String Identity of the mailbox.
Mapi identity String Mapi identity of mailbox.
Originating Server String Server where the mailbox originated (for tracking purposes).
Is Valid Boolean Mailbox is valid or not.
Result String String Object execution error details..
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
User Name String Yes
Password Password Yes <link to start parameter>
Mailbox Email Address String Yes