Create Distribution Group

Add a new distribution group.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
User Name String Yes User name used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Password Password Yes Password used to authenticate to the Office 365 web service.
Group Display Name String Yes The display name of the new distribution group.
Group Name String Yes The name of the new distribution group.
Group Primary SMTP Address String Yes The primary SMTP address of the new distribution group.
Group Alias String Yes The alias of the new distribution group.
Group Managed by Email Address String Yes The email address of the user that will be managing the new distribution group.
Moderator String Yes The email address of the user who will be the moderator for the new distribution group.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result String String Object Execution Error Details.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
User Name String Yes
Password Password Yes <link to start parameter>
Group Display Name String Yes Marketing
Group Name String Yes Marketing
Group Primary SMTP Address String Yes
Group Alias String Yes Marketing
Group Managed by Email address String Yes
Moderator Enabled Boolean No Optionally configure distribution group to have a moderator
Moderator String No
Ignore Naming Policy Boolean No Do you want to ignore the auto naming policy for the domain if set