Add Pass-Through Hard Disk to VM as VHD

Assign a physical drive from the host directly to the virtual machine.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Virtual Machine Name String Yes Specifies the name of the virtual machine to which the hard disk drive is to be added.
Controller Type Radio Button Yes Specifies the type of VHD to be added to the virtual machine
IDE Controller Number String Yes Specifies the number of the controller to which the hard disk drive is to be added. If not specified, this parameter assumes the value of the first available controller at the location specified in the ControllerLocation parameter.
IDE Controller Location String Yes Specifies the number of the location on the controller at which the hard disk drive is to be added. If not specified, the first available location in the controller specified with the ControllerNumber parameter is used.
VHD File Path String Yes Specifies the full path of the hard disk drive file to be added.
Resource Pool Name String Yes Specifies the friendly name of the ISO resource pool to which this virtual hard disk is to be associated.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Virtual Machine Name String Yes Guest001
Controller Type Radio Button Yes Specify the type of Controller to be added to the VM
IDE Controller Number Number No 0
IDE Controller Location Number No 1
VHD File Path String No D:\VHDs\disk1.vhdx
Resource Pool Name String No MainPool