Upload File To FTP

Uploads a file from a FTP location to a configured path and filename.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Host String Yes The name of the host of the FTP site.
User String Yes The user name to be used in making the FTP connection.
Password String Yes The password to be used in making the FTP connection.
Local File String Yes The name of the file to be uploaded to the FTP site.
Remote File String Yes The file name to use for the uploaded file on the FTP site.
Overwrite Existing File Selection Yes Determines that an existing file with the same name and location should be overwritten.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Host String Yes ftp://ftp_URL.com
User String Yes Jsmith
Password String Yes Password!@#
Local File String Yes C:\folder1\folder2\file1.txt
Remote File String Yes File1.txt or File1_Copy.txt (you may rename file when uploading to FTP)
Overwrite Existing File Selection Yes Optional to overwrite file if already exists on the FTP site.