Download File from Amazon

Downloads a file from an Amazon S3 bucket.

If you are using a version of PowerShell earlier than 4.0, then the corresponding 32-bit or 64-bit version of Amazon Tools must be installed.

PowerShell versions 4.0 and later automatically check for the corresponding 32-bit or 64-bit version of Amazon Tools.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Bucket Name String Yes The Amazon bucket name.
File Key String Yes The Amazon file key (file name).
Local Path String Yes The complete local path (including file name) to save the file.
Access Key String Yes The Amazon access key.
Secret Key Unknown Yes The Amazon secret key.

Output Parameters

No output parameters.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Bucket Name String Yes alpha-bravo-charlie
File Key String Yes filename.png
Local Path String Yes C:\folder1\folder2\filename.png
Access Key String Yes <The Amazon access key>
Secret Key Unknown Yes <The Amazon secret key>