Send Mail

Sends an email message.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
SMTP Host String Yes The name of the SMTP server that will send the message.
User Name String Yes User name for the SMTP server.
Password String Yes The password associated with the user name.
From String Yes The email address of the sender.
To String Yes The email address of the recipient.
Subject String Yes The subject of the email message.
Body String Yes The body or message to be sent.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a default value of zero.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
SMTP Host String Yes
Port Number Yes 25
Enable SSL Boolean No Optionally use SSL when connecting to SMTP host
User Name String Yes ABC\jsmith (format of Domain\username)
Password String Yes Password!@#
From String Yes
To String Yes
Subject String Yes Log File
Body String Yes Log File Attached
Attachment Path String No C:\app_name\log.txt