Get Mailbox Quotas

Returns the current settings of the quotas for the configured mailbox.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Email Address String Yes The email address of the mailbox can be the GUID of the mailbox, alias, display name, DN, SMTP address, or the user principle name.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Display Name String The name of the mailbox.
Max Receive Size Number The maximum size of an email that can be received. If this is unlimited, the value is 0.
Max Send Size String The maximum size of an email that can be sent. If this is unlimited, the value is 0.
Mailbox Size Number The size of the mailbox in megabytes.
Prohibit Send Quota Number The size of the mailbox when sending an email is prohibited.
Prohibit Send Receive Quota Number The size of the mailbox when sending and receiving an email is prohibited.
Issue Warning Quota Number The size of the mailbox when an warning is issued.
Rules Quota Number Specifies the limit for the size of enabled rules for this mailbox.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Email Address String Yes