Get Mailbox Quotas
Returns the current settings of the quotas for the configured mailbox.
Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Email Address | String | Yes | The email address of the mailbox can be the GUID of the mailbox, alias, display name, DN, SMTP address, or the user principle name. |
Output Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
Display Name | String | The name of the mailbox. |
Max Receive Size | Number | The maximum size of an email that can be received. If this is unlimited, the value is 0. |
Max Send Size | String | The maximum size of an email that can be sent. If this is unlimited, the value is 0. |
Mailbox Size | Number | The size of the mailbox in megabytes. |
Prohibit Send Quota | Number | The size of the mailbox when sending an email is prohibited. |
Prohibit Send Receive Quota | Number | The size of the mailbox when sending and receiving an email is prohibited. |
Issue Warning Quota | Number | The size of the mailbox when an warning is issued. |
Rules Quota | Number | Specifies the limit for the size of enabled rules for this mailbox. |
Result | Number | Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure. |
Example Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Example |
Email Address | String | Yes | |