Output HTML
Creates a table of the linked data in an HTML file.
Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Data | Link | Yes | The data to be placed in a table, a collection, or example output from get services. |
Properties | Comma delimited list | No | A list of the properties from the data that will be placed in the table as columns. |
Title | Number | No | The title of the HTML file\page. |
Header | String | Yes | The header of the HTML file. |
Body | String | Yes | The body of the HTML file which can be the string output from the HTML Table object. It can be linked to the Format String object to add HTML around it and then linked to this object to add another table to the HTML page. Using this strategy, many tables can be added to the resulting page. |
Post | String | Yes | The HTML that will follow the table. |
Output Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
HtmlString | Collection of strings | The HTML file as a string. This is suitable for linking to the Output File object in order to name the file and possibly invoke it. |
Result | Number | Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure. |
Example Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Example |
Data | Link | Yes | Link the Data field to any dropped Automation Object that produces an array. |
Properties | Comma delimited list | No | <intentionally left blank> |
Title | Number | No | <intentionally left blank> |
Header | String | Yes | Header for information included in HTML file |
Body | String | Yes | <intentionally left blank> |
Post | String | Yes | <intentionally left blank> |
Link the output of this object to the Ouput File object and then check the invoke box to cause your default browser to display the failure that was created.