Get AD User Account Information

Gets Active Directory user account information.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
CommonName String Yes The CommonName of the user.
Domain String Yes

The name of the user account Domain.

OU String No Organizational Unit container where the user object is contained. If undefined, the user object in the standard users container for the domain will be retrieved.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
LogOnCount Number Number of times user has logged on.
DistinguishedName String  
samAccountName String Security Accounts Manager name.
CN String  
ADSPath String LDAP object path.
ObjectCategory String Distinguished name indicating the type of object.
ObjectSID String Object security identifier.
ObjectGUID String Object unique identifier.
UserAccountControl String User options bit flag.
Name String User name.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Common Name String Yes Administrator
Domain String Yes
OU String No OU=Marketing