Analytics FAQ

Q: Where do I find equivalent Report Manager data in N-central Analytics?

N-central Analytics provides a level of interaction and inquiry into your data that you did not have previously with Report Manager. If you have been using Report Manager, this table may help you find the same meaningful data in the Analytics dashboards.

Report Manager Report


Analytics Dashboard

Specific Pages

Asset change report



Asset Change

Hardware Inventory Report



Hardware List

License Key Inventory




License Usage and Comparison Report




Managed Devices by Operating System




Managed Devices SLA Report




Managed Devices Summary




Managed Devices Versus Time




Executive Summary Report


Executive Summary


Site Overview Report


Devices and Inventory


Q: How are the Executive Summary Report metrics calculated?

N-central calculates an unweighted average score.

Domain Category Metric Definition Criteria

Asset Management

Devices Under Management


Managed: Percentage and count of managed devices by manageable devices, listed per Device Class

Ignored Devices not included.

Asset Management

Devices Under Management


Added/Removed: Shows if any devices were added or removed during the report period

Ignored Devices not included.

Asset Management

Devices Under Management

Score %

Score:Number of Managed Devices as a proportion of Manageable Devices

Ignored Devices not included.

Asset Management

Server and Network Warranty

Devices with valid warranties (90+ days until expiry)

Managed Devices with a valid warranty as a proportion of all Managed Devices

Does NOT include these Device Classes: Generic Laptop, Generic Workstation, Mobile Device, Windows Laptop, Windows Workstation

Asset Management

Server and Network Warranty

Devices with warranties that will expire soon (within 90 days)

Managed Devices with a soon to expire warranty as a proportion of all Managed Devices

Does NOT include these Device Classes: Generic Laptop, Generic Workstation, Mobile Device, Windows Laptop, Windows Workstation

Asset Management

Server and Network Warranty

Devices with expired warranties

Managed Devices with an expired warranty as a proportion of all Managed Devices

Does NOT include these Device Classes: Generic Laptop, Generic Workstation, Mobile Device, Windows Laptop, Windows Workstation

Asset Management

Server and Network Warranty

Score %

Managed Devices with a valid or soon to expire warranty date as a proportion of all Managed Devices with a warranty date

Does NOT include these Device Classes: Generic Laptop, Generic Workstation, Mobile Device, Windows Laptop, Windows Workstation

Asset Management

Workstation, Laptop and Mobile Warranty

Devices with valid warranties (90+ days until expiry)

Managed Devices with a valid warranty as a proportion of all Managed Devices

Includes these Device Classes:Generic Laptop, Generic Workstation, Mobile Device, Windows Laptop, Windows Workstation

Asset Management

Workstation, Laptop and Mobile Warranty

Devices with warranties that will expire soon (within 90 days)

Managed Devices with a soon to expire warranty as a proportion of all Managed Devices

Includes these Device Classes:Generic Laptop, Generic Workstation, Mobile Device, Windows Laptop, Windows Workstation

Asset Management

Workstation, Laptop and Mobile Warranty

Devices with expired warranties

Managed Devices with an expired warranty as a proportion of all Managed Devices

Includes these Device Classes:Generic Laptop, Generic Workstation, Mobile Device, Windows Laptop, Windows Workstation

Asset Management

Workstation, Laptop and Mobile Warranty

Score %

Managed Devices with a valid or soon to expire warranty date as a proportion of all Managed Devices with a warranty date

Includes these Device Classes:Generic Laptop, Generic Workstation, Mobile Device, Windows Laptop, Windows Workstation

Business Services

Business Service Availability


Active uptime as a proportion of total available uptime by listed service

Active uptime where the service state is normal or success with warnings. Does NOT include custom services

Business Services

Business Service Availability

Score %

The total active uptime of all the services as a proportion of total available uptime by all services.

Active uptime where the service state is normal or success with warnings. Does NOT include custom services

Business Services

Business Service Availability

Score % (Top 20)

The total active uptime of the services as a proportion of total available uptime for Top 20 services.

Active uptime where the service state is normal or success with warnings. Does NOT include custom services

Business Services

Business Service Availability

Score % (Bottom 20)

The total active uptime of the services as a proportion of total available uptime for Bottom 20 services.

Active uptime where the service state is normal or success with warnings. Does NOT include custom services

Data Protection


Successful Backups

Number of successful backup jobs completed as a proportion of all attempted backups

Backup state is normal

Data Protection


Backups completed with warnings

Number of backup jobs in a warning state completed as a proportion of all attempted backups

Backup state is success with warnings

Data Protection


Failed backups

Number of backup jobs in a failed state completed as a proportion of all attempted backups

Backup state is failed

Data Protection


Score %

Number of backup jobs completed as a proportion of all attempted backups

Completed backup jobs include those that are successful and those successful with warnings

Network Reliability

Network Reliability

Network Reliability

Active uptime as a proportion of total available uptime split by Device Class

Switch/Router, ESXi Server, Generic Server, Windows ServerUtilises the Agent Status service or the Connectivity service.

Network Reliability

Network Reliability

Score %

Active uptime as a proportion of total available uptime.

Switch/Router, ESXi Server, Generic Server, Windows ServerUtilises the Agent Status service or the Connectivity service.



Servers within capacity

Total number of Devices with a normal status as a proportion of all monitored Devices

Includes these Device Classes: ESXi Server, Generic Server, Windows ServerOnly includes these service: CPU, Disk, Memory



Servers reaching capacity

Total number of Devices with a warning status as a proportion of all monitored Devices

Includes these Device Classes: ESXi Server, Generic Server, Windows ServerOnly includes these service: CPU, Disk, Memory



Servers exceeding capacity

Total number of Devices with at least 1 failed status as a proportion of all monitored Devices

Includes these Device Classes: ESXi Server, Generic Server, Windows ServerOnly includes these service: CPU, Disk, Memory



Score %

Total number of Devices with normal status and warning status as a proportion of all monitored Devices

Includes these Device Classes: ESXi Server, Generic Server, Windows ServerOnly includes these service: CPU, Disk, Memory



Workstation/Laptops within capacity

Total number of Devices with a normal status as a proportion of all monitored Devices

Includes these Device Classes:Generic Workstation, Windows Laptop, Windows WorkstationOnly includes these service: CPU, Disk, Memory



Workstation/Laptops reaching capacity

Total number of Devices with a warning status as a proportion of all monitored Devices

Includes these Device Classes:Generic Workstation, Windows Laptop, Windows WorkstationOnly includes these service: CPU, Disk, Memory



Workstation/Laptops exceeding capacity

Total number of Devices with a failed status as a proportion of all monitored Devices

Includes these Device Classes:Generic Workstation, Windows Laptop, Windows WorkstationOnly includes these service: CPU, Disk, Memory



Score %

Total number of Devices with normal status and warning status as a proportion of all monitored Devices

Includes these Device Classes:Generic Workstation, Windows Laptop, Windows WorkstationOnly includes these service: CPU, Disk, Memory

Security Monitoring

Hardware Firewall


Total number of Devices being monitored for Firewalls as a proportion of all Managed Devices in Switch/Router Class

Only Devices in the "Switch/Router" device class and with a service starting with "FW-"Does Not include custom services

Security Monitoring

Hardware Firewall


Total number of Devices not being monitored for Firewalls as a proportion of all Managed Devices in Switch/Router Class

Only Devices in the "Switch/Router" device class and with a service starting with "FW-"Does Not include custom services

Security Monitoring

Hardware Firewall

Score %

Total number of Devices being monitored for Firewalls as a proportion of all Managed Devices in Switch/Router Class

Only Devices in the "Switch/Router" device class and with a service starting with "FW-"Does Not include custom services

Q: What data does Analytics use, and where does Analytics get this data from?

The N-central server collects device information from the agent or probe and then sends it to the Analytics platform. Examples include:

  • Device Information: OS name and version, Manufacturer, CPU, and Memory

  • Services and Applications

  • Patch installation history and approval statuses

  • Remote Access/Remote Control history

How long does the Analytics initial export take?

The initial export of N-central can take up to 24 hours, depending on its size. After that it takes up to about four hours for all data to propagate before any of the dashboards display data.

Q: How does Analytics process data?

Raw data sent by N-central is parsed and transformed into data models in the Snowflake warehouse, optimized for visualization by Power BI.

Q: Which services are used for storing and processing the data, and how is data protection addressed with each?

The services used are as follows:

Snowflake. Hosted in AWS and used as a data warehouse. Data is isolated using multi-tenancy architecture with row-level security, and protected with TLS 1.2 in transit. Snowflake instances are excluded to N-able networks only. You can learn more here:

Power BI. Hosted in Azure and used to visualize data (dashboard widgets, reports) from the Snowflake warehouse. Data is isolated using multi-tenancy architecture, with each tenant’s data processed in a dedicated PowerBI workspace and protected with TLS 1.2 in transit. You can learn more here:

Q: How is my data protected in transit from the on-prem N-central server to the cloud?

Data in transit is encrypted over TLS 1.2 encrypted tunnels.

Q: How is my data protected once in the cloud?

Data at rest is protected by Snowflake in the end-to-end encryption model using 256AES encryption keys. Snowflake encrypts all data on an ongoing basis and cannot be turned off by users. All data stored in Snowflake is encrypted using a key hierarchy (with cloud HSM backed root of trust), which provides enhanced security by encrypting individual pieces of data using a different key. Snowflake rotates the keys every 30 days to ensure that new data is encrypted using a new key hierarchy.

Q: How does N-able address the data residency requirements?

We use in-region data warehouses within Snowflake and for Power BI. This data is encrypted in transit along the entire path and at rest.

Q: What industry compliances is N-able certified on.

N-able holds ISO27001 certification and we expect to complete SOC2 Type 1 certification in Q1 2024.

Q: Who has access to the data?

N-able has a robust least privilege policy and standard. Only team members approved to maintain the solution will have access to the data.

Q: Who owns the data?

All data, files, and information (including Personal Data) that are communicated or provided to N-able or that are submitted by you in connection with the use N-able’s services belongs to the partner (see our Software Services Agreement). The partner is the data controller and N-able is the data processor.

Q: If I leave N-able as a partner, can I get my data exported?

Yes, your data can be exported using JDBC/ODBC connection (and later – using APIs). Just tell us when you decide to leave N-able how you would like us to transfer your data.

Q: Is it possible for the data used in Analytics to be stored in some other way?

N-able requires the data to be stored in its Snowflake instances for the Analytics functionality to work.N-able deletes partner data as required by applicable regulations.

Q: My customers have PII and medical data which cannot be hosted by third parties. How do you handle that scenario?

N-central does not collect sensitive information like PII. Examples can be found in the earlier question about what types of data Analytics uses.

Q: Can I opt out of Analytics for any reason?

Analytics requires partners to opt-in explicitly in product. To opt out after the feature has been enabled, contact N-able Support.

Q: What URLs do I need to allow for Analytics to work properly?

The URLs are grouped into N-central URLs, and Power BI URLs:

N-central URLs (region-specific):




Power BI URLs (region-specific):


