What is Analytics?

Analytics is a business intelligence tool that provides more visibility into your business. The visualizations, charts, tables, and other elements in dashboards summarize and display data to help you quickly and easily monitor, visualize and extract data in order to efficiently run your business. It can help you identify patterns, trends, and anomalies that can pinpoint areas of opportunities, risk, and improvement.

Analytics dashboards allow you to drill down on individual customers to see their data sets, helping you answer complex business questions that they may have. The visuals and aggregated forms allow you to compare or contrast values, and explore by drilling down and through.

Analytics is based on the Microsoft Power BI business intelligence application. When you select Analytics from N-central, the dashboards are available to use.

Analytics highlights

  • Dashboards are built-in, representations of near real-time data of the devices you are monitoring

    Data upload delay!

    Full data propagation may require between 24 to 48 hours to complete. During this time no information will be visible on the dashboards. For the Executive Summary report, data will appear after one month of use.

  • Access to either create and modify or only view dashboards is controlled by the Role assigned to an individual.

  • There is a default set of dashboards that you can view at any time.

  • Within each dashboard you can filter on various parameters to view specifically what you want.

  • You can share dashboards with others by clicking on the three vertical dots to the right of the dashboard name in the list of dashboards.

  • You can create a PDF of a dashboard and save it locally.

  • Use direct data access to run more advanced queries or combine your N-central data with other data sources.