Fact and Dimension Reference

We organize data into two types, fact and dimension, for efficient data analysis and reporting.

Fact tables are designed to hold large volumes of numeric data, known as facts, which represent quantitative data from business events. Each fact table is linked to multiple dimension tables, providing the necessary context for interpreting the data.

Dimension tables store descriptive attributes, such as time, products, and customers, that characterize the data. Dimension tables are crucial for segmenting the data in fact tables.

Together, fact and dimension tables allow users to perform detailed data analysis and provide meaningful business insights.

Domain Name Type Description
Antivirus Threat DIM_ANTIVIRUS_ACTION Dimension The internal actions undertaken by AV Defender to arrive at an outcome.
Antivirus Threat DIM_ANTIVIRUS_OUTCOME Dimension The final AV Defender outcome after a threat has been neutralised.
Antivirus Status DIM_ANTIVIRUS_PRODUCT Dimension Attributes relating to the AV/EDR product being monitored.
Antivirus Status DIM_ANTIVIRUS_PRODUCT_STATUS Dimension Attributes relating to the status of an AV or EDR engine.
Antivirus Threat DIM_ANTIVIRUS_THREAT Dimension Attributes relating to the type of Malware.
Application Status DIM_APPLICATION_ANDR Dimension Attributes relating to an application installed on a device.
Backup Session DIM_BACKUP_PRODUCT Dimension Attributes relating to the monitored backup product that performed a backup.
Backup Session DIM_BACKUP_STATUS Dimension Attributes relating to status of a given backup session
All DIM_CUSTOMER Dimension Attributes relating to a MSP customer
All DIM_CUSTOMER_LATEST Dimension Attributes relating to a MSP customer. Only reflects the current status of attributes i.e. it will not segment history according to attribute changes.
All DIM_CUSTOMER_SITE_HIERARCHY Dimension The customer to site to device lin
All DIM_DATE Dimension A calendar that supports analytic reporting e.g month, year etc.
All DIM_DEVICE_SUMMARY Dimension Attributes for a discovered Asset. Includes N-Central device, hardware, CPU, OS and agent attributes.
All DIM_DEVICE_SUMMARY_LATEST Dimension Attributes for a discovered Asset. Includes N-Central device, hardware, CPU, OS and agent attributes. Only reflects the current status of attributes i.e. it will not segment history according to attribute changes.
Patch Audit Log DIM_PATCH_ACTION_STATUS_TYPE Dimension Attributes relating to the approval and detection status of a patch.
Patch Audit Log/Patch Compliance DIM_PATCH_ANDR Dimension Attributes relating to the definition of a patch e.g. name, category, kb number.
Storage DIM_PHYSICAL_STORAGE Dimension Attributes relating to type of physical storage e.g. Fixed Disk
Remote Access DIM_REMOTE_ACCESS_CONNECTION Dimension Attributes relating to the connection method used to connect to an end user device.
Remote Execution DIM_REMOTE_EXECUTION_ITEM Dimension Attributes relating to remote execution item of a given task and time stamp
Remote Execution DIM_REMOTE_EXECUTION_TYPE Dimension Attributes relating to a remote execution task type
All DIM_RLS Dimension Used for implementing row level security.
All DIM_SERVICE Dimension Attributes relating to a monitored service (stock or custom) such as name, description and high-level groupings.
All DIM_SITE Dimension Attributes relating to the customer site
All DIM_SITE_LATEST Dimension Attributes relating to the customer site. Only reflects the current status of attributes i.e. it will not segment history according to attribute changes.
All DIM_TASK_STATE Dimension Attributes relating to a state of a given remote execution task item and timestamp
Remote Access DIM_TECHNICIAN Dimension Attributes relating to the technician who initiated a remote access session.
All DIM_TIME Dimension Groups time into various banding for analytic reporting e.g hour, half hour etc.
Utilization by Hour DIM_UTILIZATION_PROFILE Dimension Attributes relating to the utilisation type i.e. CPU, Disk, Memory.
Video Controller DIM_VIDEO_CONTROLLER Dimension Attributes relating to Video Controller such as Manufacturer and Model name.
Antivirus Status FACT_ANTIVIRUS_STATUS Fact Record of antivirus status and engine definitions on a device.
Antivirus Status FACT_ANTIVIRUS_STATUS_LATEST Fact Latest record of antivirus status and engine definitions on a device.
Antivirus Threat FACT_ANTIVIRUS_THREAT Fact Measures relating to the type of malware and the outcomes.
Application Count FACT_APPLICATION_COUNT Fact Measures relating to count of applications on a device at a given snapshot in time.
Application Status FACT_APPLICATION_STATUS_ANDR Fact Metric counts relating to applications installed on a device.
Asset (Device) Tracking FACT_ASSET_COUNT Fact Metric counts for number of devices on a given day.
Backup Session FACT_BACKUP_SESSION Fact Metric counts for backup session e.g number of success/failure.
Backup FACT_BACKUP_STATUS Fact The last successful backup on a Device, the status of last 5 backups and backups over last 28 session.
Device Incident FACT_DEVICE_INCIDENT Fact Measure of Incidents, aka alerts or NC active issues occurring on a device at a given time
Device Logon FACT_DEVICE_LAST_LOGON Fact The last end user/device logon records.
Device Logon FACT_DEVICE_LOGON_HISTORY Fact Number of user/device logons over time.
Firewall Incident FACT_FIREWALL_INCIDENT Fact Metric count by severity of incidents occurring on a monitored hardware firewall
Network FACT_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH_DAY Fact Metrics relating to % traffic utilization, min and max bits in and bits out on a Device.
Network FACT_NETWORK_ERRORS Fact Metrics relating to network errors and packet loss %
OS Reboot FACT_OS_REBOOT_COUNT Fact Metrics relating to the count of OS reboots and the duration between each reboot i.e the uptime in seconds.
OS Reboot FACT_OS_REBOOT_LATEST Fact Metrics relating to the latest OS Reboot on a Device and the duration between latest reboot and system time stamp.
Patch Audit FACT_PATCH_ACTION_ANDR Fact The number of patch events generated.
Patch Lifecycle FACT_PATCH_LIFECYCLE Fact Metrics relating to the status of a patch as it transitions through its lifecycle/workflow.
Hardware FACT_PHYSICAL_STORAGE_LATEST Fact Storage usage / size in MB, GB.
Remote Access FACT_REMOTE_ACCESS_SESSION Fact Metric count of sessions and duration of sessions for Remote Access sessions.
Remote Execution FACT_REMOTE_EXECUTION_DAY Fact Metric counts for number of automated type and items run e.g. number of File Transfers, Scripts and Software Distribution etc.
Service FACT_SERVICE_AVAILABILTY_DAY Fact Metric counts for threshold return status and task monitoring.
Service FACT_SERVICE_AVAILABILTY_HOUR Fact Metric counts for threshold return status and task monitoring.
Utilization FACT_UTILIZATION_DAY Fact The average, min and max sensor readings for CPU, Disk and Memory.
Utilization FACT_UTILIZATION_HOUR Fact The average, min and max sensor readings for CPU, Disk and Memory.
Hardware FACT_VIDEO_CONTROLLER_LATEST Fact Displays the latest video controllers for a device.