Install system upgrades from a file

Install a system upgrade through an HTTP post. The system upgrade file must be located on the machine that you use to access the system user interface. When you apply a system upgrade, ensure that you upgrade the version of the probe to the same version as the server, otherwise the Network Discovery tool may not work properly.

When upgrading to N-able N-central 2020.2 and above, multi-factor authentication is enabled by default. So any new account you create will have multi-factor authentication enabled.

This feature is only available at the system or product administrator level.

  1. Go to System Settings > N-central Server > Version Management.
  2. Click the radio button for Upload upgrade file to the server.
  3. Click Choose file to locate the install file on the local or network drive.
  4. Enter an email address so the system can notify you when the installation is complete.
  5. Click Install.

The system uploads the install file and begins the installation process. The system sends an email when the installation have successfully completed.