Mapping customers for Help Desk Manager
If you don't have any customers in Help Desk Manager, you have the option to push N-able N-central customers to Help Desk Manager. This will map the N-able N-central customers to new customers in Help Desk Manager. If you already have customers in Help Desk Manager, you can map N-able N-central customers to those.
- Click Administration > PSA Integration > Customer Mapping.
- For each N-central Customer, in the Help Desk Manager Customer drop-down menu, select Create New.
- To create new customers in Help Desk Manager for all N-able N-central customers on this screen, select the checkbox in the top left of the table to select every N-central Customeron the screen.
- Click the button, Set Help Desk Manager Customer to 'Create New'.
- For an existing configuration, for each N-central Customer you would like to map, select the Help Desk Manager Customer to which you would like to map it.
- Click Save.
The selected N-able N-central customers are pushed to Help Desk Manager and the mappings are created.