Debug Logging in Custom PSA API
Debug Logging enables you to troubleshoot the API requests and responses between N-able N-central and your PSA application. It is available from the SO or System level, and is disabled by default.
This feature is intended for technical debugging of communication and doesn't serve investigating complex notifications/ticketing issues.
Debug Logging allows you to view the logs of the API calls and responses in one of the following formats:
- Tail logs. This will dynamically show the logs as they are created incrementally, scrolling automatically to the bottom of the log file (i.e. while viewing the page, if there is a new record created, it will appear at the bottom of the log page).
- Static list of logs. You can specify the number of hours back the logs should be retrieved from N-able N-central.
- By Ticket ID. You can choose to only see log entries related to a specific Ticket ID.
N-able N-central will only start collecting logs once Debug Logging is turned on, and that the log entries will only be kept for two days.
- Navigate to Administration > PSA Integration > Debug Logging.
- Select the On toggle switch to make sure that Debug Logging is Enabled.
- Select one of the log viewing options.