Configuring ConnectWise Manage Integration for device export

The following reference topic provides field mappings for device export in ConnectWise Manage.

Device export triggers include the following actions:

  • Appliance self-registration
  • Asset discovery
  • Add and modify device
  • Modify device asset details
  • Miscellaneous device changes

Field Mappings

 If any of the fields mapped in this list are changed manually in the PSA, N-able N-central will overwrite the changed field on the next export.

Field Mappings CW AT HDM
IPAddress IPAddress User Defined Field (N-central Device URI) NetworkAddress
DefaultGateway DefaultGateway
MacAddress MacAddress MacAddress
CompanyName groupid AccountID Location
ConfigTypeID // Device Class mapping ConfigTypeRecID
ConfigType // Device Class mapping type
DeviceClass ProductID AssetType
DeviceStatus isActive (true or false) Active Assetstatus
DeviceName deviceName ReferenceTitle NetworkName
Manufacturer Manufacturer
ModelNumber ModelNumber ReferenceNumber ModelName
SerialNumber SerialNumber SerialNumber SerialNumber
CPUSpeed CPUSpeed
DeviceID DeviceID User Defined Field (N-central Device ID) AssetNumber
OSType OSType Notes Version
OSInfo OSInfo Notes Version
LastLoginName LastLoginName
Location Location
Createdon InstallDate
LocalHardDrives LocalHardDrives
VendorNotes VendorNotes Notes
ManagementLink ManagementLink
AssetTag TagNumber User Defined Field (N-central Device Asset Tag) Notes
WarrantyExpiration WarrantyExpiration WarrantyExpirationDate
PurchaseDate PurchaseDate PurchaseDate
Custom Device Properties CustomFields