Add an Autotask Billing Profile

This feature is available at the Service Organization level.

Set up a Billing Profile by associating N-able N-central Filters to Autotask Services or Service Bundles and scheduling when to run the profile. When the Billing Profile runs, it updates Configuration Item Counts in Autotask.

  1. Click Administration > PSA Integration > Billing Profiles.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter a Name and Description.
  4. In the Select Customers/Sites tab, select the N-able N-central customers or sites that the Billing Profile will apply.
  5. Select the Mapping tab.
  6. For each N-able N-centralFilter that you would like to map, select either a Service or Service Bundle.
  7. Select the Schedule Days tab.

    Note: The calendar for each of the scheduling options in the N-able N-central interface is the current month.

    The following are examples of how the scheduling options work:

    • If today is August 14 and you select "15" for Push Device counts to PSA, the Services and Service Bundles in Autotask will be updated with device counts starting tomorrow (August 15) and every following month on the 15th.
    • If today is August 25 and you pick "15" for Push Device counts to PSA, the Services and Service Bundles in Autotask will be updated with device counts starting August 15 and every following month on the 15th.
  8. For Push Device counts to PSA, select when you would like N-central to run the Billing Profile and update Addition counts in Autotask.

    Push Device counts to PSA will be impacted by the dates you pick for Effective Date. Select all options in N-able N-central in a way that makes sense for your billing cycle.

    • Select Last day of the month to export billing information to Autotask on the final day of each month, starting with the current month.
    • Select day of the month to export to Autotask on specific days of each month, starting with the current month. If you select a date earlier in the month than today's date (for example, today is August 25 and you pick August 15) the schedule will start next month, that is it will start on September 15.
  9. Select the Effective Date, which will update the number of units that were added to, or removed from, the contract. Billing is prorated from the Effective Date:
    • Last day of the month - for devices to begin being associated with a contract on the final day of the current month. For example, if today is August 25, the effective date will be August 31.
    • Select day of the month - for devices to begin being associated with a contract on a specific day of the month. If you select a date earlier in the month than today's date (for example, today is August 25 and you pick "15") the Effective Date will be August 15th.
  10. Save your changes.

The newly created Billing Profile appears on the Billing Profiles screen, with the Status set to ON.