Enable data export
Export data from the central server database to a database on an MS SQL Server. Use the exported data as your raw data source to create custom reports and applications in other reporting or spreadsheet tools to provide statistical information to your customers.
This feature is only available to OnPremise and Product Administrator accounts.
- On the Administrator Console in the Database area, click Data Export.
- Click Enable Data Export.
The Enable Data Export option is not available if the central server is enabled as a data source in Report Manager. To enable data export, you must delete the central server as a data source in Report Manager.
- Select the Export Version
If you have upgraded to N-able N-central 2022.5 and were previously using data export, due to changes in the database, if you select the N-able N-central 2022.5 Schema option, you must create a new database on the MS SQL Server for data export.
- In the Server Details area, enter the information where the MS SQL server is located.
- In the Connection Details area, enter the user name and password for the MS SQL Server.
You must set up this account on the MS SQL Server before exporting data.
- In the Schedule area, set the time when the data export takes place.
- In the Notification area, configure a recipient where N-able N-central sends a success or failure message when the exports completes.
- Click Test Connection to ensure the information entered is correct.
- Click OK.
N-able N-central saves the configuration and runs the data export job at the scheduled time. You can view the results of the data export in the Data Export Log, available on the Log Management page.