Configure email notification templates

N-able N-central sends email messages to notify administrators and technicians of N-able N-central server activities. Configure or modify templates for email notifications to include specific information or other content to maximize the use of the notifications.

  1. Expand Administration in the left navigation menu.
  2. Go to  Defaults.
  3. Click Notifications Templates.
  4. Click the tab for the notification template you want to edit.
  5. Adjust or refresh the details in the message fields as required. Message variables supported in the email templates are listed below.

    To edit the HTML notification templates, click Preview/Edit below the Message field.

  6. Click Preview to see how the message will appear when sent.
  7. Click Save to apply.

Once configured, N-central applies the appropriate template when sending a notification email.

Message variables

Variables can be incorporated into your message content to insert specific information into the notifications N-central sends to both administrators and technicians.

In the following example we have included an extract from a notification email containing a selection of variables.

Customer: {{CustomerName}} Device: {{DeviceName}} - {{DeviceURI}} Device Property: {{DeviceProperty(<custom device detail name>)}}

When N-central generats a notification, these variables are replaced with the customer and device details.

Customer: CustomerXYZ Device: WebPresence - Device Property: test

Variable names are case sensitive.

Variable Name Description Example

HTML keywords

AcknowledgementNote Any note associated to the acknowledgment. Acknowledgement note
AcknowledgementTime Date and time in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2019-03-31 21:12:00
AcknowledgementUser The name of the user who acknowledged the notification. Administrator
ActivationTime Date and time in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 2019-11-16 04:38:26
ActiveNotificationTriggerID Active notification trigger ID. 123456
ActiveProfile The name of the active notification profile. Customer01Profile01
ActiveProfiles The name of the active correlated notification profile. Customer01SuperProfile01
AffectedService The affected service name. Connectivity
AllDeviceNotes All notes that are created on the device. Notes placed on the device.
ConfigurationParameters Parameters for the configuration of the task. TaskConfigParam1
CredentialsUsed The credentials used to execute self-healing or scheduled task. Local System
CustomerID The unique numeric identifier of the customer. 1234567890
CustomerName The name of the customer. Acme Inc.
Debug For debug purposes. DEBUG: c100a101d15472t105np201nt104na123
DeviceDescription The description of the device. This is the device description
DeviceID The device ID. 12345678
DeviceIP The device IP address.
DeviceName The name of the device. dev1
DeviceProperty Individual device property. property1
DeviceURI Either an IP or a FQDN that refers to the device.
ExternalCustomerID The external customer ID. Customer 123
LastDeviceNote The last note that are created on the device. The last note placed on the device.
NcentralURI The hostname of the N-able N-central server.
NotificationCount The total number of notifications that have been sent so far 1
NotificationProfileName The name of the notification profile Notification Profile1
NotificationTriggerName The name of the notification trigger Notification Trigger1
NumericState Numeric representation of task state. 1
ProbeURI The probe IP address.
QualitativeNewColouredState Describes the new state of the task with a color. <font color="red">Failed</font>
QualitativeNewState Normal | Failed | Warning Normal
QualitativeNewStatus The status of the task in question. Misconfigured - Parameters
QualitativeOldColouredState Describes the old state of the task with a color <font color="Gold">Warning</font>
QualitativeOldState Normal | Failed | Warning Normal
QualitativeOldStatus The status of the task in question. Task Monitoring - Normal
QuantitativeNewState Depends on the service. 0.8
QuantitativeOldState Depends on the service. 0.5
QuantitativeTabledNewState A table of all service metrics reported by the service at the time that the notification was triggered.  
QuantitativeTabledOldState A table of all service metrics reported by the service before the notification was triggered.  
RemoteControlLink The link to remotely access the device. https://n-central/
SelfHealingAction Self-healing action performed. Restart Service
SelfHealingCausedBy The specific scan detail(s) that transitioned and invoked the self-healing action. Disk Usage (%) - 99
SelfHealingOption Self-healing option On or Off. On
SelfHealingResultDetails Self-healing detailed action results. notificationkeyword.SelfHealingResultDetails.Alpha.example
SelfHealingResult Self-healing action results. notificationkeyword.SelfHealingResult.Alpha.example
SelfHealingResultState Task state after self-healing completion. Task Monitoring - Normal
SelfHealingRetries Number of self-healing retries. 1
SelfHealingTriggerState Self-healing triggered by state. Misconfigured - Parameters
ServiceID The service ID. 1001001
ServiceOrganizationName The name of the service organization. Acme Inc.
Subject Subject line of the email. Alert: CustomerName DeviceName ServiceName Failed
SuperProfileName The name of the correlated notification profile. SuperProfile1
TaskAttachOutput Attach output produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. See file attachment
TaskDuration Execution time of self-healing action or scheduled task. 12 min
TaskEndTime Execution end time of self-healing action or scheduled tasl. 022-02-23 14:12:45-04
TaskIdent The identifier of the task. 80
TaskID The service task ID. 90125
TaskInputParameters Input parameters used for self-healing action or scheduled task execution. notificationkeyword.TaskInputParameters.Alpha.example
TaskName The name or description of the task. HTTP
TaskOutput Display output produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. notificationkeyword.TaskOutput.Alpha.example
TaskOutputParameters Output parameters produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. notificationkeyword.TaskOutputParameters.Alpha.example
TaskReturnCode Return code produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. 1
TaskStartTime Execution start time of self-healing action or scheduled task 022-02-23 21:12:44-04
TaskTriggeringScanDetail The scan detail that triggered the notification (HTML). The Number of Process Instances
TimeOfNotification The time the notification was actually sent in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 44615.5922
TimeOfStateChange Time the state change was detected in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 44615.5922

Email and PSA template keywords

AcknowledgementNote Any note associated to the acknowledgment. Acknowledgement note
AcknowledgementTime Date and time in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 44615.59218
AcknowledgementUser The name of the user who acknowledged the notification. Administrator
ActivationTime Date and time in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 44615.59218
ActiveNotificationTriggerID Active notification trigger ID. 123456
ActiveProfile The name of the notification profile which is active. Customer01Profile01
ActiveProfiles The name of the correlated notification profile which is active. Customer01SuperProfile01
AffectedService The affected service name. Connectivity
AllDeviceNotes All notes that are created on the device. Notes placed on the device
ConfigurationParameters Parameters for the configuration of the task. TaskConfigParam1
CredentialsUsed The credentials used to execute self-healing or scheduled task. Local System
CustomerID The unique numeric identifier of the customer. 90125
CustomerName The name of the customer. Acme Inc.
Debug For debug purposes. DEBUG: c100a101d15472t105np201nt104na123
DeviceDescription The description for the device. This is the device description
DeviceID The device ID. 12345678
DeviceIP The device IP address.
DeviceName The name of the device. dev1
DeviceProperty Individual device property. property1
DeviceURI Either an IP or a FQDN that refers to the device.
ExternalCustomerID The external customer ID. Customer 123
LastDeviceNote The last note that was created on the device. The last note placed on the device
NcentralURI The hostname of the N-able N-central server.
NotificationCount The total number of notifications that have been sent so far. 1
NotificationProfileName The name of the notification profile. Notification Profile1
NotificationTriggerName The name of the notification trigger. Notification Trigger1
NumericState Numeric representation of task state. 1
ProbeURI The probe IP address.
QualitativeNewState Green | Red | Yellow. Red
QualitativeNewStatus The status of the task in question. Misconfigured - Parameters
QualitativeOldState Green | Red | Yellow. Yellow
QualitativeOldStatus The status of the task in question. Task Monitoring - Normal
QuantitativeNewState Depends on the service. 0.8
QuantitativeOldState Depends on the service. 0.5
RemoteControlLink The link to remotely access the device. https://n-central/
SelfHealingAction Self-healing action performed. Restart Service
SelfHealingCausedBy The specific scan detail(s) that transitioned and invoked the self-healing action. Disk Usage (%) - 99
SelfHealingOption Self-healing option On or Off. On
SelfHealingResult Self-healing action results. notificationkeyword.SelfHealingResult.Text.example
SelfHealingResultDetails Self-healing detailed action results. notificationkeyword.SelfHealingResultDetails.Text.example
SelfHealingResultState Task state after self-healing completion. Task Monitoring - Normal
SelfHealingRetries Number of self-healing retires. 1
SelfHealingTriggerState Self-healing triggered by state. Misconfigured - Parameters
ServiceID The service ID. 12345678
ServiceOrganizationName The name of the service organization. Acme Inc.
Subject Subject line of Email. Alert: CustomerName DeviceName ServiceName Failed
SuperProfileName The name of the correlated notification profile. SuperProfile1
TaskAttachOutput Attach output produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. See file attachment
TaskDuration Execution time of self-healing action or scheduled task. 12 min
TaskEndTime Execution end time of self-healing action or scheduled task. 022-02-23 14:12:45-04
TaskID The service task ID. 12345678
TaskIdent The identifier of the task. 80
TaskInputParameters Input parameters used for self-healing action or scheduled task execution. notificationkeyword.TaskInputParameters.Text.example
TaskName The name or description of the task. HTTP
TaskOutput Display output produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. notificationkeyword.TaskOutput.Text.example
TaskOutputParameters Output parameters produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. notificationkeyword.TaskOutputParameters.Text.example
TaskReturnCode Return code produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. 1
TaskStartTime Execution start time of self-healing action or scheduled task. 022-02-23 21:12:44-04
TimeOfNotification The time the notification was actually sent in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 44615.5922
TimeOfStateChange Time the state change was detected in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. 44615.5922

Numeric template keywords

NotificationCount The total number of notifications that have been sent so far. 1
NumericState Numeric representation of task state. 1
TaskReturnCode Return code produced by self-healing action or scheduled task execution. 1