Block Facebook access

If your customer wants you to block their users from accessing websites, such as Facebook, you can use the Content Control feature of a security profile.

  1. Click Configuration > Security Manager > Profiles and open a profile.
  2. In the Security Module Settings, for Content Control, click View Settings.
  3. Click the check box to enable the Internet Control Component.
  4. Click the Internet Control tab.
  5. In the Website Unblocked/ Blocked area, click the check box for Use Exceptions and click Add.
  6. Add the following entries:
    • *facebook*
    • *fbcdn*
    • *fbstatic*
  7. Click Save.
  8. In the Security Module Settings for Network Scan, click View Settings.
  9. Click the check box for Enable Network Scan.
  10. In the Component Configuration area, click the check boxes for:
    • Scan web (HTTP) traffic
    • Scan SSL
  11. Click Save twice to save the profile.

When a user attempts to access Facebook, Security Manager presents a warning page in the browser indicating that the site was blocked.