Run a Post-Installation Scan

After installing Security Manager, run a scan to ensure your devices are virus free.

To set up a scan, you need to complete these three steps:

  • Create a filter to identify Windows devices with Security Manager installed.
  • Create a task profile that will run scans during the hours that the system will typically be online. You will add this task profile to a rule you create.
  • Create a rule to automatically schedule future scans.

Create a filter

  1. Click Configuration > Filters.
  2. Click Add and enter a new filter name, is available to , Everyone or Just Me.
  3. Click Advanced Mode.
  4. For A:, click Device, Agent Installed, Equal To, True.
  5. For B:, click Application, Application Name, Equal To, Security Manager AV Defender.
  6. Click Save.

Create a scheduled task profile

  1. Click Configuration > Scheduled Tasks > Profiles.
  2. Click Addand enter a name for the scan.
  3. On the Details tab, click Add > Security Manager Scan > AV Defender Full Scan.
  4. On the Schedule tab, select Recurring from the Type drop-down list box.
  5. In the Interval section, configure the frequency of your scans.

    N-able recommends that you run a scan once a week.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Create a second daily scan using the same steps above by clicking AV Defender Quick Scan when adding a new schedule.

Create a rule to automatically schedule future scans

  1. Click ConfigurationMonitoringRules.
  2. Click Add and enter a name for the rule.
  3. In the Devices to Target tab, select the filter created above.
  4. Click the Scheduled Task Profiles tab.
  5. Locate the task profile created above and move it to the Selected Scheduled Task Profiles column.
  6. Click Save.